Euro Hoop for All Project intends to exploit the special role that sport can play for young people and people with disabilities as an important contribution towards social cohesion.
Euro Hoop for All Project financed by ERASMUS + PROGRAMME, Not-for-profit European sport events (No. 561007-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-SPO-SNCESE) intends to exploit the special role that sport can play for young people and people with disabilities as an important contribution towards social cohesion and more integrated societies, supporting the ‘sport for all’ principle by increasing young people’s participation in sport and paying special attention to social inclusion in sports of socially disadvantaged groups.
Project aims at organizing and launching the International Basketball Event "Euro Hoop for All" comprising a non-professional basketball competition for young people (under 17) and a BASKIN - "BASKet Integrated" competition (an innovative sport allowing disabled and non-disabled people to play together on the same team), under the umbrella of EWoS 2015.
12 Sport Clubs from 8 EU and not-EU Countries will be involved, in the International Basketball Event "EURO HOOP for All". Around 200 athletes (young people and disabled people) from Italy, Turkey, Spain, Croatia, Germany, Russia, Greece and France will participate through sports, educational and cultural activities designed for them, contributing to breaking down physical and mental barriers related to disability and enabling the creation of new friendships in a significant and important social context.
Educational Activities in the run-up to the event will be organized around three themes to be debated through workshops: "Sport and Health", "Sport and School" and “Sport and job opportunities" aimed at increasing knowledge and information of athletes, coaches, organizers and participants on the role of physical activity and sport in the lives of young people: as a medium for education, as a basis for healthy living and as a vehicle for social inclusion. Finally, the International Conference: "Sport and Disability", will be organized during the "Euro Hoop for All" Basket event.
Baskin ("Basket for All"), is a sport created in 2003 in Cremona, Italy to engage everyone in the same basketball-like game that has been specifically adapted to accommodate the diversity of physical and intellectual abilities of its players. Girls, and boys —non-impaired and those with physical and/or intellectual challenges— all play together on the same court with four baskets, two of which are very low and located off the center of the court. The only physical skill required is being able to shoot a ball in a basket.
In the world of sports, baskin is a unique example of totally integrating players of all capabilities. The success of any team playing baskin depends on the full participation of their six team members on the court. Each player has a specific role defined by his or her motor and intellectual skills, and players can only defend against those who have the same role. In this fast-paced game with a 30-second shot clock, players of different abilities work together, and everyone gets to have fun and experience the joy and camaraderie that comes from playing as a team.
Training and playing together is a quick path to friendship and understanding. Baskin players find joy, confidence and fulfillment—on the court and in life. They also inspire people in their communities and elsewhere to open their hearts to a wider world of human talents and potential.
More about Baskin: click here